Teeth Aren’t Just for Smiling, Oral Care and Its Impact on the Whole Body
Advantage Media Group
Date de publication

Teeth Aren’t Just for Smiling

Oral Care and Its Impact on the Whole Body

Advantage Media Group

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9781642257649
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane
A popular misconception about oral care is that it’s primarily about making
teeth look as attractive as possible. Advertisements for tooth whiteners and
veneers abound, but the fact is that while appearance is important, there’s a
lot more to oral care than just having a mouth full of straight, pearly white
teeth. Dr. Brett Langston has spent his career as a prosthodontist – a dentist
who specializes in the restoration of oral health and replacement of missing
teeth-solving some of the most challenging dental problems. He feels strongly
that most people need to understand that oral health affects general health
and wants to encourage people to look beyond appearances and learn to take
proper care of their teeth and gums. There’s more to it than a quick brush in
the morning and evening or choosing a magic toothpaste.

In this book, Dr. Langston will share some of his vast knowledge of proper
oral care and reveal that by making a few simple lifestyle changes, people can
increase their chances of avoiding pain, tooth loss, and embarrassment. He
shares amazing, heartwarming, and sometimes funny stories from his decades of
working in the field of prosthodontics. Meet a young man who thought he’d
never find love because of the state of his teeth, and a woman who was too
embarrassed to sing because of her ill-fitting dentures. Dr. Langston not only
changed these people’s lives but also taught them how to maintain good oral
health for the long haul.

Dr. Langston will also introduce some modern solutions to age-old problems and
walk you through your many options when it comes to tooth repair,
reconstruction, and maintenance. In language understandable to those outside
the field of dentistry, he will show you that progress in the world of oral
health has very much kept up with modern technology and will amaze you with
what is being done in the field. He believes that there are no hopeless cases
when it comes to dental reconstruction.

“This is all very nice” we hear you say. “But I am afraid of the dentist and
that’s why I don’t go.” In the book, Dr. Langston will gently encourage you to
put aside your fears and make that dental appointment. Pain management has
come a long way in the past several decades, and you don’t have to be afraid
anymore. Once you understand the importance of good oral care to your overall
health and what your options are, Dr. Langston and dental professionals like
him are waiting to put you at ease and take care of you. Armed with the
information you’ve learned from this book, you can work closely with your
dentist to create a care plan that will improve your life and both your oral
and general health.
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