Full names vs. nicknames, Reactions in Spanish and English
Connaissances & Savoirs
Date de publication

Full names vs. nicknames

Reactions in Spanish and English

Connaissances & Savoirs

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782342153118
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
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    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne

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Forenames and nicknames are an issue which concern us all because we all have
a name and we often need to decide on a name for a child or a pet, possibly at
least once in our lifetime. This book includes a very multidisciplinary study
(linguistic, social, psychological and stylistic) which is entertaining to
read. Names are part of our daily life and this is a commonplace topic about
which we all have something to say. They help us to become closer not only to
the own names but also to people bearing them or reacting to them. Names have
a story behind. This is summarised in the following revealing quotation: “Be
still. Remember my name. It is the label that is attached to me. It is the one
thread that is sewn through this entire story. Your story or my story – it is
only the stitching that changes. The want is the thing that drives us. Trust
me: I have a story to tell.” ? Richard Payment, "For Want of Wonders".

*[XIXe]: 19e siècle
*[29 janvier]: selon le calendrier julien
*[6e]: Sixième
*[26 mai]: selon le calendrier julien
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