Hypnotism: its History, Nature and Use
LM Publishers
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Hypnotism: its History, Nature and Use

LM Publishers

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History of Hypnotis, its Nature and Use.

It is perhaps unnecessary to state that the word hypnotism brings to the mind
of the average person timid recollections of many criminal acts. That is
because few people hear of hypnotism in its proper sphere. It is clothed with
the garb of shame; it is surrounded with all the horror belonging to the age
of witchcraft. Newspapers delight in depicting its bad sides, in painting to
the world the crimes that have been committed under its influence, the fearful
results of its all powerful spell. To most it means a giving up of one's will
to another who is superior, the crushing of one's entity by the power of
another, the total abstinence of individual self-control, the entire weakening
of one's higher intelligence. Vivid imagination supplies the result—suffering,
hardship, labor and total subservience.

The question arises, 'Why should hypnotism have been thus derided?' Simply and
plainly because the ignorance of people in general has given it no opportunity
to show its good sides. Unfortunately people are always looking for the
'eternal gullible' and are not satisfied until they get a taste of it. And as
hypnotism was first practised solely and is now practised mostly by men who
have made the world their dupes, the world has had to suffer in the
advancement of hypnotism on a scientific basis...

*[5e]: Cinquième
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