Cold Lonely Courage, Novel war
Encre Rouge
Date de publication

Cold Lonely Courage

Novel war

Encre Rouge

A new adventure for Madeleine Toche, alone against the German Army !

Madeleine Toche races to the front only to find her brother mortally wounded
during the German Blitzkrieg attack on France at the outset of World War II.
His death and her rape at the hands of an SS Stormtrooper cast Madeleine down
a path of death and violence when she joins the British Special Operation
Executive. Killing the Gestapo is one thing, but when she’s sent after Field
Marshall Erwin Rommel the entire German Army stands in her way.

Discover a new thriller with Madeleine Toche, in war against the Germans to
protect herself and her brother !


It was spring again, and Madeleine set out to pick wild mushrooms that grew on
the hills overlooking La Ciotat. The terrain was rocky with pockets of moist
soil tucked under the canopy of trees. She carried a wicker basket as she
walked along the narrow forested area at the edge of a cliff that overlooked
the sea. Mechanically she stopped and picked up another mushroom and placed it
in the basket next to two round balls of dirt hiding black truffles. She
raised the basket to her face and smelled the strong aroma, trying to focus on
her tasks and enjoy a few moments away from the restaurant and the worried
looks of her parents.
I just can’t help it, she thought. I can’t get Yves and those German pigs out
of my mind. I have to do something. I can’t hide and pick mushrooms for the
rest of the war.
Madeleine stepped to the edge of the cliff and looked down into an inlet,
knifing in from the sea, watching as a group of German soldiers lay on the
beach drinking wine and splashing around in the cool azure water. A few
families sat well apart from the men trying to enjoy the warmth of the beach
and sun in the presence of their occupiers.


Cold Lonely Courage is a fascinating, dark, and emotional account of many
aspects of the second World War and all of its horrors. - Susanna, Goodreads


Soren Paul Petrek est un avocat général passionné par l’étude de la Seconde
Guerre mondiale. Il a vécu en France et en Angleterre, écoutant les récits de
gens qui ont vécu le combat et les sacrifices lors des périodes les plus
noires de la guerre. Sa poésie reflète les horreurs de ces années ainsi que
les épreuves et les triomphes du peuple.
Le premier roman de Soren, Courage, est inspiré de l’histoire vraie d’une
jeune femme belge qui a aidé d’innombrables enfants juifs à fuir les terreurs
du régime nazi.
Soren partage sa vie avec Renee au Bungalow 71 à Lauderdale dans l’état du
Minnesota. Ses fils, Max et Riley, tous deux artistes, vont de par le monde
afin de le rendre meilleur.
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