The Story of Manhattan
Human and Literature Publishing
Date de publication

The Story of Manhattan

Human and Literature Publishing

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782381116501
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The long and narrow Island of Manhattan was a wild and beautiful spot in the
year 1609. In this year a little ship sailed up the bay below the island, took
the river to the west, and went on. In these days there were no tall houses
with white walls glistening in the sunlight, no church-spires, no noisy hum of
running trains, no smoke to blot out the blue sky. None of these things. But
in their place were beautiful trees with spreading branches, stretches of
sand-hills, and green patches of grass. In the branches of the trees there
were birds of varied colors, and wandering through the tangled undergrowth
were many wild animals. The people of the island were men and women whose
skins were quite red; strong and healthy people who clothed themselves in the
furs of animals and made their houses of the trees and vines.

In this year of 1609, these people gathered on the shore of their island and
looked with wonder at the boat, so different from any they had ever seen, as
it was swept before the wind up the river.

The ship was called the Half Moon, and it had come all the way from Amsterdam,
in the Dutch Netherlands. The Netherlands was quite a small country in the
northern part of Europe, not nearly as large as the State of New York, and was
usually called Holland, as Holland was the most important of its several
states. But the Dutch owned other lands than these. They had islands in the
Indian Ocean that were rich in spices of every sort, and the other European
countries needed these spices. These islands, being quite close to India, were
called the East Indies, and the company of Dutch merchants who did most of the
business with them was called the East India Company. They had many ships, and
the Half Moon was one of them.
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