Impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services
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Impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services


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As part of the Ecophyto II+ plan, INRAE and Ifremer were in 2020 commissioned
to conduct a collective scientific assessment of the impacts of plant
protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The results,
released in May 2022, confirm that plant protection products contaminate all
types of terrestrial and aquatic environments, all of their compartments and
most of their organisms.

Contamination varies according to the distance from the areas where the
products are used, principally in agriculture. It causes direct and indirect
impacts on ecosystems, notably the decline of populations of terrestrial and
aquatic invertebrates and birds, and the loss of ecosystem functions and
services. Different measures can help mitigate contamination and its impacts,
with varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the particular combination
of measures (regulations, conditions of use of products, etc.).

This assessment identifies research needs, in particular to improve our
understanding of dynamic phenomena in a context of multiple environmental
stresses. It aims to characterise and predict impacts and to improve the
procedures for assessing the risks associated with the use of plant protection

This book is targeted at all stakeholders and decision-makers with an interest
in the use of plant protection products, whether they are involved in the
legal, political, industrial or non-profit sectors, or in research or

Ce titre est également disponible en français sur notre site : / This book is
also available in French on our website:
Impacts des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur la biodiversité et les services
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